Balling On A Budget 1.5 A Reseller’s Guide To Mercari

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I have sold on Mercari for five years and have closed over 2,000 transactions. In this experience I have learned many things about the platform and its customers. This publication is composed of the necessary information for your success on the platform.

I currently make $1,000 per month consistently year round while running other businesses.

I have reached a level where I’m pushing myself to quadruple my output with the expectation of a quadruple in my income.

I have created a six figure blueprint, this blueprint can be used to gauge the difficulty involved with scaling your business. 

My objective is to present a realistic approach to learning the Mercari platform and provide an application that can be executed in the real world.

There is absolutely no fluff, I actively do and am doing the methods I present in this book.

This information is highly recommended for anyone 17 and older that wants to start reselling part time or for a living. 

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If you had two hours to talk and you asked me what the Mercari platform was all about this is the information I would tell you. 44 pages.

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Balling On A Budget 1.5 A Reseller’s Guide To Mercari

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